Episode 119: Respond to Email Within 24 Hours

John and Chris debate how to best tackle the email problem many in ministry have. John suggests that we should all respond to emails within 24 business hours and Chris pushes back, naming that not all emails take priority.
In this episode, they share strategies about how to effectively manage your email and be responsive to the needs of your ministry.

Episode 117: Should The Entire Parish Staff Work on Sunday?

In this episode, Chris and John delve into the question of parish staff working on Sunday. Sunday is when our parishes impact most people. There is an argument to be made that Sunday needs to be a workday for parish staff.
John and Chris dive into some things to consider when making a decision about this important question.

Episode 105: Your Parish Organizational Structure: It Can Make or Break Your Ministry

Your staff and ministry organizational structure should be evaluated to make sure it matches the needs of your parish and allows you to achieve your ministry goals. In this episode, Chris and John explore some of the common traps or mistakes we fall into and share some ideas on how we might reconfigure our staff structure to allow for more effective ministry.

Episode 98: Why Parishes Need To Get Their Administrative Ship Together

Administrative work for parishes

In this episode, Chris and John share openly about the struggles parishes have regarding administrative tasks that leaders in ministry need to embrace. They suggest that to create the thriving ministry parishes hope to create, they must develop a solid leadership and management foundation.


In this episode, we refer to a few resources, including: