Episode 121: A Vision for Confirmation in Light of Comprehensive Youth Ministry

“Good youth ministry leads to readiness for Confirmation. Confirmation does not lead to involvement in youth ministry.”

In this episode, Chris and John explore the intersection of youth ministry and the sacrament of Confirmation, and how effective comprehensive youth ministry prepares young people well for Confirmation.

In this episode, we refer to these previous podcast episodes:

Episode 91: Restored Order from a Theological Perspective

In this episode, we continue the conversation regarding the Restored Order in the Church from a theological perspective. Chris and John are joined by Nick Wagner, who is the co-founder of Team RCIA. Together, we walk through the history of the sacraments and discuss how they came to be in the order that they currently in most of the western Church.

Nick lays out an argument as to why restored order of the sacraments is the way to go and discuss practical steps that leaders in the CHurch can take whether they are a restored order parish or not.

You can find out more about Nick Wagner and his ministry by visiting www.TeamRCIA.com.

Episode 90: Will Restored Order Fix The Confirmation Problem?

Restored order of the Sacraments of Initiation continues to be a topic of discussion in many parishes and dioceses. But is it the solution to “The Confirmation Problem”?

In this episode, John and Chris discuss what the problem is, why restored order may or may not be the solution, and how leaders in ministry can address the problem in their own church.

In this episode, we refer to a previous episode we did on Confirmation, as well as an episode on empowering parents.

Episode 38: Rebuilding the Sacrament of Confirmation (Part 2)

Confirmation is such an awesome sacrament that we needed 2 episodes to cover it all!

In this 6th and final episode in our series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris go into even more detail as to how we might rebuild Confirmation preparation, including talking about retreats, small groups, and more.

Episode 37: Rebuilding the Sacrament of Confirmation (Part 1)

Does your parish celebrate Confirmation just to see that the next week, nobody who was confirmed comes to Mass? Do you sometimes feel like Confirmation is a graduation? It doesn’t have to be like that.

In this fifth episode in our series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris delve into how we might rebuild Confirmation preparation so as to truly have a life-changing effect that converts young people into intentional discipleship.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part episode.

For a copy of Chris’ book Rebuilding Confirmation click HERE