Episode 16: Moving Beyond Disability Ministry to Disability Integration

Special guest Lindsey West shares her experience working with individuals with disabilities. Lindsey shares her expertise on how parishes can begin to be intentional about including individuals with disabilities into the Body of Christ, where they not only participate in the sacramental life of the church but where they also enhance the community of faith.

Lindsey West can be found at UniquelyCatholic.org, where she blogs and provides resources for churches and ministries to support them in their ministry with and to individuals with disabilities.

Here are some of the resources that were mentioned in the podcast:

Episode 15: Engaging Young Adults in the Life of Faith


Young adults are mysterious. They sometimes come to church and sometimes they don’t. They have reasons. They don’t have reasons. As church, we need an intentional strategy for engaging them in the life of faith.
In this episode, we define what we mean by “young adults” and share some ideas for connecting with them in ministry, church, and faith.

Episode 12: Greeters, Ushers, and Hospitality: Helping People Feel Welcomed at Church


Do people feel welcome in your church? That is a question that all ministry leaders need to ask themselves. In this episode of The Church Podcast, Chris and John explore strategies for being intentional about developing a ministry of hospitality.