Episode 129: Taking Care of Yourself, Your Family, and Your Colleagues During COVID-19

In this episode, Chris and John are joined by Rich Curran, Executive Director for the Parish Success Group, as we discuss the need to take care of ourselves and our colleagues as we continue our COVID-19 adventure.

Episode 128: Building Up the Domestic Church During COVID-19 and Beyond

Covid-19 has redefined the realities of the Domestic Church at home, especially since we cannot gather together on church grounds.

In this episode, special guest Paul Canavese shares strategies and resources for building up the church at home and empowering parents to take a lead on passing on a legacy of faith to their families.
Find out more about Paul and The Pastoral Center by visiting their website: http://PastoralCenter.com and https://www.growingupcatholic.com/.

Episode 127: A Vision for Tithing During a Crisis

In all likelihood, your parish will take a financial hit as Masses are canceled. In this episode, Chris and John break open the idea of communicating and encouraging giving strategies beyond giving in the offertory basket, as well as looking at the budget to see where there are costs savings now that your Church campus is closed.

Episode 126: Adapting and Creating Parish Strategies During Crisis, Part 2

In this episode, John and Chris continue our conversation about creative strategies for ministering during the Coronavirus crisis. Specifically, we share ideas to be calm and proactive, managing and leading your staff while working from home, and thinking pastoral about the needs of your parishioners.

Episode 125: Adapting and Creating Parish Strategies During Crisis

In this episode, Chris and John break open ideas on how we can still evangelize and catechize our communities even when extraordinary events, like Covid-19 (Coronavirus) happen. More specifically, we talk about your communication strategies, online giving, continuing formation, and pastoral outreach during this unprecedented time.