Episode 154: How to Re-energize Your Evangelization Efforts

Evangelization in a post-COVID church needs to be re-energized. Here we discuss that the opportunity to evangelize is high as people are dealing with so many traumatic issues in their lives. How do we meet them where they are at so that they recognize that God is there for them?

In this episode, we refer back to the following resources:

Small Groups from Scratch: A Church Podcast Series

Neighborhood Evangelization with Tony Vasinda

Episode 130: When the Church Doors Open Back Up…

And they will open back up. When they do, what is your plan?

In this episode, Chris and John explore some ideas and questions to discern as we prepare to welcome people back on to our Church campuses, with the hope of not only getting people to come, but keeping them with us over the long-term.

Episode 109: Neighborhood Evangelist w/ Tony Vasinda, Part 2

In part 2 of this Facebook Live episode, Chris and John continue to talk with Neighborhood Evangelist and Youth Ministry Leader Tony Vasinda as he shares his journey of faith and how he has been led to evangelizing in a different way with his family.

He specifically shares how ministry, if it’s beautiful and true, but it doesn’t work in our parishes, then we should reconsider it.

You can find out more about Tony Vasinda and his ministry by visiting him on Twitter @TonyVasinda or visiting Patreon.com/HOBL.

Episode 103: You Can’t Grow Your Ministry Unless The Entire Parish Grows

Youth ministry can’t grow unless the entire parish grows. Children’s ministry can’t grow unless the entire parish grows. Yet, too often, we sometimes put all of our efforts into our ministry without the understanding that what we do is collaborative. In this episode, 

John and Chris share ideas and resources about how we go about breaking down ministry silos and working together as a whole to grow our entire parish.

Episode 55: How Do We Hear the Voice of the Unaffiliated?

In this episode, Chris and John ask the question how we as Church leaders connect with those are not coming to Church and have chosen to disaffiliate. We have a desire and a call to reach those not hearing the message of Christ, but responding to that call is easier said than done.

In this episode, we explore how we might be able to do this better.

Chris wrote an excellent article on “Why Your Church Office is Bad for Your Ministry Healthy.”

John recently wrote on this topic, “How Do We Connect With The Unconnected”

Episode 37: Rebuilding the Sacrament of Confirmation (Part 1)

Does your parish celebrate Confirmation just to see that the next week, nobody who was confirmed comes to Mass? Do you sometimes feel like Confirmation is a graduation? It doesn’t have to be like that.

In this fifth episode in our series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris delve into how we might rebuild Confirmation preparation so as to truly have a life-changing effect that converts young people into intentional discipleship.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part episode.

For a copy of Chris’ book Rebuilding Confirmation click HERE

Episode 35: A Fresh Look at Marriage Preparation

There is no greater event more life-changing in the life of a couple than their wedding day. A start to a new adventure of life together with a new partner. A moment so life changing should require intentional efforts by the Church.

In this third episode in our series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris discuss how we might reconsider our marriage preparation so as to truly prepare couples for the lifetime of marriage that is upon them.

Episode 34: Re-imagining Baptism Preparation in the Parish

The baptism of a child is an opportunity to engage an entire family in the life of the parish. Having a baby is a major milestone and tremendous life-changing experience in which the Church can be intentional about partnering with parents in raising up their child in the life of faith.

But are we blowing the opportunity?

In this second episode in a series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris explore effective strategies for preparing parents to take on this new role as the spiritual leader of their children.

Episode 20: Buzz Words in Ministry


Every church has their buzz words. But what do they mean? And more importantly, do the people you are communicating with understand what they mean?

In this episode, Chris and John explore and define some big buzz words that are used often in the Church, including evangelization and missionary discipleship.

Episode 18: Judgment, Social Media, and Christ


judgement-social-media-christAs ministry leaders, how do we show the face of Christ to others? And, how do we turn people away from Christ? If we’re honest with ourselves, we have done both. We are called to build welcoming and inclusive communities, yet sometimes our actions suggest that our Church is exactly the opposite.

In this episode, John and Chris explore how judgment, either face-to-face or via social media, can be detrimental to bringing people Christ.