Episode 35: A Fresh Look at Marriage Preparation

There is no greater event more life-changing in the life of a couple than their wedding day. A start to a new adventure of life together with a new partner. A moment so life changing should require intentional efforts by the Church.

In this third episode in our series on sacramental preparation, John and Chris discuss how we might reconsider our marriage preparation so as to truly prepare couples for the lifetime of marriage that is upon them.

Episode 33: Are We Sacramentalized but not Evangelized?

Episode 33: Are We Sacramentalized but not Evangelized?

Sherry Weddell, in her great book Forming Intentional Disciples, suggests that we have raised Catholics who are “sacramentalized, but not evangelized.” Wow! Powerful statement!

In this episode, Chris and John begin the first episode of a series looking at sacramental preparation programs and how we can evangelize as well as sacramentalize. At the center of this conversation is this idea that Weddell shares:

“If our pastoral practice is to be life changing, then we must be acutely aware that the reception of a valid sacrament and the fruitful reception of sacramental grace are two different but related issues. Validity means that the sacrament was truly bestowed and the intended grace made truly present to the person receiving the sacrament. But validity does not guarantee that the grace made available has been actively received and is bearing fruit in that person’s life.” –pg. 99